
Despite scientific dispute over the cause of physical malformations, many homes in Belarus receive support from Chernobyl aid programs funded by various international aid organizations around the world. Activist, Adi Roche, is an Irish woman who founded the organization, Chernobyl Children, and produced the 2004 Academy Award winning documentary on Chernobyl victims called “Chernobyl Heart”. Adi has made the care of Chernobyl victims the center of her life. Her organization gives major help to the Childrens’ Home in Vesnova, which cares for 150 abandoned and orphaned children with severe mental and physical disabilities. (Director Vasily Barbuchko, work: +375-2230-323-03 mob: +375-293-275908, home: +375-2230-22513. )
Some pictures show children with lesser handicaps harvesting fields and taking care of farm animals to produce food for the home.